Accesing your nextcloud files from ubuntu

Posted on April 23, 2020

Few days ago I installed nextcloud on a vitual machine of mine, as a way to share files between my devices. But actually today i found out how easy is to acces the files from the linux Nautilus filer manager.

In my ubuntu 18 the option to insert the server is at "+ Other Locations" (you may find the option on the menu Files->Connect to Server)

You type your server


(use dav:// if your server uses http://)

Then you are prompted to type your username and password to connect to your files.

After that, your nextcloud server will be mounted on your linux machine, and use them as any other folder/device.
It can't be easier than that.

Tip: In order to bookmark your files folder in Nautilus press Ctr+D while you are in the folder. So you can access it easier.

