Export latex equations in png
You want to export latex equations in png format, to add it after on a document for example.
First, you will need to install required packages in linux:
sudo apt install texlive-latex-base
texlive-latex-extra texlive-lang-greek texlive-extra-utils poppler-utils netpbm
Create a file.tex like that:
documentclass[12pt]{article} hispagestyle{empty} usepackage{amsmath} begin{document} begin{equation*} sum_{i = 0}^{i = n} frac{i}{3} end{equation*} end{document}
The amsmath package and the asterisk are used so we don't get the (1) numeration on the side of the equation.
The process has three steps:
1. Generate the pdf from the latex file
pdflatex file.tex
2. Crop the pdf to the equation only
pdfcrop file.pdf
3. Finally, turn it to pdf
pdftoppm file-crop.pdf|pnmtopng >file.png
If you want to get with transparent brackground
pdftoppm file-crop.pdf|pnmtopng -transparent =white >file.png