How to install MySql 5.6 or Mysql 6.7

New versions of ubuntu and debian come with mariadDB as predefined mysql server. But if we need to run a version of MySQL we can do it with the following steps.

How to setup mysqln_ms extension for php 7.x

Mysqlnd_ms is a handy php extension to automaticaly send the read queries to slave mysql servers and writes to the master.

Mysql replication in Virtual Machines

A quick guide of how to setup master-slave mysql replication in virtual machines.

Mysql create column if not exists

You want to check if a table exists before you add it to the table.

January19 Links

My Top Drupal themes

Here is a list of drupal that I found and look awesome

How to zip only files with specific extension

Lets see how to zip files of a specific type in command line

Turn gedit in php editor

We can use the simple text editor that comes with ubuntu to edit our php code.

Weblinks 2018 #51

Interesting links from the web for this week of the year

Update drupal modules by command line

These steps guide you to update drupal 7 core and modules from command line

Weeklinks #50

Interesting links from the web for this week of the year

How to upgrate drupal 8

We will upgrade a drupal 8 installation on its newest version